Prepper Books

Doomsday Bunker Book

Doomsday Preppper Lessons

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doomsday bunker book

Let’s face it, we all want to protect ourselves and our families. Until now, most of us really had no idea how to go about it. This book spells it all out! Easy to read, practical, crammed full of useful resources, and even amusing in places, this is THE guide for “prepping” for the unknown. Thank you!

—M.S., Maryland


Many of us believe that some sort of doomsday will occur soon. Most of us are woefully unprepared. This book that is very well written will give you a perfect guide to help you and your family be prepared.

J.T., Pennsylvania


I have read quite a bit about different ways to protect oneself for when TSHTF. This book has over 200 pages of fantastic and well researched information. I highly recommend that everyone purchase this book and study it well.

E.D., New York

are you ready

I have been a prepper for long time and have a steel shipping container as my bunker. After reading this book, I realize this is not enough. I am going to be building an underground concrete bunker based on this book. This book has all the information I need to protect my family.

M.T., Arizona
